Lapidary has many art forms; Tara specialises in precision flat and concave faceting and also freeform cabbing on her various machines.
This is the ULTRA TEC 'Fantasy' Machine used for concaving and carving, it provides multiple axis for the positioning of cutting and polishing tools with directional positioning on X and Y axis plus θ (theta) 180º of angular positioning.
It has two motors, one for the reciprocation of the tools where its amplitude is adjustable and another reciprocation motor independently, like a mini lathe.

The V5D Classic faceting machine by ULTRA TEC, arguably the most precise and finest cutting machine on the market, manufactured since 1965, its' a work of art in itself.
Capable of fine angular and linear settings, the Axial angle provides accuracy to 0.01 degrees, this one is used for traditional 'Flat' faceting.
Used for preforming stones and freeform cabochons Tara hand built her own machine with the aid of an engineer to her own specifications using 8-inch diamond wheels imported from China, it has a variable speed which is important for different types of stones as some can't get too hot.
She has also modified tile saws used for trimming rough and made her first crude faceting machine which is mainly used now for lapping slabs.